If you thought that your relocation is over the minute you step into your new living area, think again. On the first day of your move (and in the weeks after,) there will be some more relocation-related work that needs to be done. So, we decided to create a draft of tasks reserved for the first few hours in your new home – learn everything about what to expect and how to prepare for them.
Relocation is considered one of those significant life-changing events, so it is not surprising that it brings quite a mix of emotions – from anxiety about relocation to excitement, from fear and doubt to happiness and enthusiasm. That is why it is important to let yourself have a minute or two to breathe, relax and process everything that’s going on around you.
You should also get ready for the chaos that awaits you and the opposed wishes inside you – to finish everything as fast as possible and to rest a little after all the hard work. It is crucial to find the solution somewhere in the middle. So you won’t be too exposed to relocation stress, ensure not to tire yourself to do limits, but be sure to organize your move so that you know what exactly you should do before the first night comes.
There is no better time to begin cleaning than when nothing is standing in your way. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you must deep clean right away but use your brooms and mops, rag, and disinfecting cleaning supplies to wipe the dust and clean the floors before furnishing it completely. All those surfaces that will, later on, be hardly reachable should be cleaned before the furniture is put to place. If you have the energy, try to put on paper all other cleaning tasks you deem necessary in the next few weeks.
On your checklist for moving to another state should be learning how to protect floors when relocating, and that knowledge should be used for your old house as well as for the current one. Save those materials and furniture pads you used for moving day preparation in order to protect your hardwood floors, staircase, and walls and reuse them after cleaning. It should be done before you start unloading your belongings, if you’ve chosen to use rental trucks for relocation, or before cross-country movers start relocating your things into the house (if you opted for long-distance moving services.)
Before you get out of your old house, your cartons should be marked with relocation labels that will point to you (or your relocation team) the room they should be put in and accent if some of them contain highly breakable objects. This is one of the most known relocation tips, and it could help you be more organized after you first walk into the place, but also for a couple of weeks after that, too.
If you haven’t visited the place when choosing it, before you start with the furnishing, you must create a plan close to what the final layout will look like. After you decide the function of each room, design a method (such as color-coding) that will make connecting furniture and boxes with rooms easier. And after furniture’s unloaded and put in the right spot, it’s finally time for unpacking after the move.
Don’t fool yourself by thinking that the items you required weeks to pack could be unpacked in one or two days. Instead, you should pay attention to relocation essentials – things you prepared having the first few days of your relocation in mind. When getting ready for moving day, remember to pack separate boxes or bags with the following items:
If your reason for not hiring a long-distance moving company lies in expense, know that standard packing services can be a part of basic moving services that companies offer, so do not hesitate to ask about it. That way, a lot of work could be lifted off your back – if you let professionals help you, you will be just commanding where your items need to be put. Also, thinking about what is the right way to assemble your furniture wouldn’t be your worry anymore – with a professionals’ help, in a blink of an eye, they will be assembled and placed right where you want them.
When hiring a relocation company in order to move efficiently, moving insurance (as a standard or additional service) is usually a part of the deal. That is one of the reasons you should go through your relocation inventory and check as many boxes as you can after your relocation team arrives – pay close attention to ones used for packing fragile items and your valuables and inform the relocation team if there are some problems.
If you are relocating with kids, you should keep in mind that relocation often becomes a very stressful event in their young lives. Besides making them feel loved and secured from the minute you move in, know that your pre-relocation preparation should involve packing toys, especially those that could provide them with the feeling of comfort and safeness. If they start feeling confused or sad, they may develop relocation depression – do everything you can so it doesn’t get to that. You should also ensure that they are safe by childproofing or babyproofing (if you are relocating with a newborn) and having someone watching them at all times.
If you’re relocating with your pets, remember that they need to be taken care of, too. Most of our furry friends don’t react well to a change, so you should gradually introduce them to a different place and a different city. They should start to explore room by room until they are familiar with your home completely, and your neighborhood should be next. An excellent technique to calm them and make them feel safe is to bring their old bowls, cushions, and toys – soon, they will connect the feeling of safety and happiness with the current house.
If you want to find out more about how to introduce your pets to different surroundings, don’t miss watching the following video:
One more thing that needs to be done as soon as you move in is checking if your electricity, water flow, and gas work properly. If you put transferring utilities on your relocation to-do list, there should be no problem – your utilities should be all installed and ready to be used. If not, ensure to contact utility providers and schedule the transfer. Simultaneously, you must know from the start where our firebox and main water valve are, as well as the electricity and water meter – write down the meter’s existing numbers in case your next bill becomes suspicious. Safety should always come first, so be sure that you locate the fire alarm and home security alarm and check if they are working properly. Note that it would be best to change the locks on each of your doors – ensure that you and your loved ones are the only ones with the key.
You can’t live out of snacks – that’s a fact. And there is no better way to celebrate a successful relocation than with a nice meal with your loved ones. When you’re finished cleaning and unpacking, order a take-out or cook something simple. If you’re in a complete celebratory mood, research the best restaurants in your neighborhood – there is no reason not to start exploring the city right away.
So you could relax after long and tiring hours, remember to set beds and toiletries before the time for shower and sleep comes. If not, you’ll be doing it all grumpy or just give up and end up sleeping on the floor. Of course, your children’s rooms and beds must go first, because it is important they get back the sense of order as soon as possible. If your furniture is not going to be with you for the first two days, remember to invest in some good air mattresses before your cross-country moving. Setting up essentials in the bathroom, on the other hand, should be easy enough – unpack your toiletries and be sure that you have everything you need before getting in the shower.
As the first night approaches, your list of things that have yet to be done will become bigger and bigger, which could make you worry and overstress yourself. However, if you start to feel anxious, make a conscious effort and try to relax – take a deep breath and choose to think positive. After all, almost everything concerning your relocation will be done, and all you’re going to be left with are some finishing touches. When you lay your head on your pillow, try not to think about the tasks ahead. Your preparation for a new life chapter should consist of thinking about all the benefits of relocation you will have. There is nothing better than going to sleep in your new home with a smile on your face.