Are you preparing to leave your parents’ home and thinking about how to move out for the first time and organize the whole process? If this is a topic that has been on your mind, then you’re at the right place! Here is the definitive guide on all things to know when moving out that will help you become a real relocation master.
After the tough decision on where to move next and start a new life chapter, there’ll be many other tasks on your plate to tackle. The majority of them will be related to some practical organizational matters that will make the whole cross-country moving process easier. The ultimate goal will be to speed up the packing process, move efficiently, and prepare emotionally for the upcoming changes and relocating far away from family. Here are some relocation tips that could help you meet those goals and organize your move seamlessly.
The process of getting ready to move to another state alone consists of a few stages. The first one is to make the decision, and the second most important phase is to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the upcoming changes.
One of the most common questions young people face is At what age should you move out? There is no answer to this question that applies to everyone. As you’re about to find out, everything depends on how ready you feel for this move.
Change of lifestyle, taking the responsibility for paying bills, rent, and everything else that goes with independence can be pretty overwhelming. Not to mention the possible feelings of loneliness and nostalgia. All this combined is the main trigger for hundreds of young people to feel depressed after leaving their parent’s home, and the reason for this is improper preparation.
Being emotionally and mentally ready is fundamentally important in the process of coping with relocating away from family. And when we say ready, we mean that you’ve considered why you’re doing this and are sure it’s the right decision.
When the motivation is clear, then overcoming all the obstacles won’t be that tiring and emotionally draining. In other words – find your why! Understand the reason why long-distance moving is the right next step for you, and what it can bring into your life.
Choosing the right place to live is one of the most important decisions to make. How broad are the job opportunities? What are the economic prospects? What about the safety levels, housing options, and infrastructure? All these factors have a direct effect on the quality of life. For that reason, considering them all is of tremendous importance when looking for a new place to call home.
According to many house hunting tips, exploring an area and specific neighborhood is also an indispensable step while deciding where to live. How safe is your future neighborhood, are there many green areas, how far is downtown, and how long will you take to get to work? The better the facilities and location, the higher the rental and housing prices, so if you have to keep an eye on your budget, make sure to consider suburbs, too.
One of the greatest relocation mistakes of all those who are moving for the first time is omitting to thoroughly check the apartment they plan to rent or buy. This inspection should entail all critical points like mold, water damage, and paint peeling. Check whether all kitchen and other appliances are functioning properly and whether all the previous bills have been paid.
All this can be checked by a professional home inspector who will provide a detailed report on all mentioned issues. Once you’re sure everything is the way it’s supposed to be, you can proceed to sign the contract and get ready for the next great adventure!
How much money should you have saved before moving out? Doubtlessly, this is one of the most common questions of all those who are new to relocation. Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to this question since many factors impact the final sum that is needed to cover all the costs.
Having a financial plan will definitely help you organize the whole relocation and plan things in advance. When it comes to creating a budget, it should sum up all potential expenses you could have when it comes to relocation, like:
Also, remember to prepare an emergency fund at the amount that could cover your unexpected expenses or bills for a couple of months in advance. This is especially important to have in case you still don’t have a job and need to cover all the costs until you start to work. After all, figuring out your finances is the first step of becoming independent, so be extremely cautious while planning them.
Creating a moving out for the first time checklist is one of the most effective ways of organizing a move. Simply said, this is a list of all tasks that are related to the relocation process itself. This way, you won’t forget any essential details, and you’ll have a stress-free move. Here are some tasks to include in your to-do list:
Having a new apartment checklist nearby at any moment is the most convenient way to track the progress of your relocation. For that purpose, you can use some specially created apps to keep your checklist organized in a few clicks on your mobile device. Of course, if you prefer classic paper-based lists, this is entirely up to you, just keep in mind it will be harder to track the progress and change details.
Having a reliable relocation company by your side to provide you with all assistance needed is definitely one of the most important things during the whole process. No matter how well you master the packing techniques and take care of the tiniest details, there are still some things that professionals will manage better.
Not only are they perfectly trained, but professional cross-country movers also have all the equipment needed to safely handle your possessions. And, undoubtedly, this is the most certain way to get your stuff delivered whole to your next home.
In the US, there are more than 7,000 registered relocation companies. This means that knowing how to choose a relocation company and what makes it professional is of tremendous importance if you want to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
Believe it or not, relocation scams are more common than you might think. Checking the company’s details through their USDOT and MC numbers, customer reviews, and third-party websites are necessary steps to take before entrusting your belongings to be loaded in the truck.
Another effective way to ensure everything is fine is to compare quotes from several companies. In case some of them offer significantly lower quotes, it is very probable that they don’t have honest intentions – so make sure to avoid them.
Now that you know all the relocation hacks, organizing a seamless move won’t be that difficult after all. And don’t be surprised if your friends call you to lend them a helping hand when it comes to their relocation too, once they learn how successfully you managed yours. Just keep up with the plan following these tips for moving out for the first time and don’t procrastinate.