If you’re about to become a parent or already are, the safety of your children will inevitably be a top priority. The question of How can I make my house safe for my baby is definitely worth resolving, especially before a relocation. That’s why we’ve prepared the ultimate guide on how to baby-proof a house and ensure your curious little ones will be completely safe while inspecting the unknown territories.
If expanding the family implies relocating to a new home, then one of the most important tasks to tackle will be envisioning the future space and making sure that it is child-friendly. This is especially good to do if you’re relocating from an apartment to a house because this means you’ll have much more space at your disposal. However, if you forget to do something before you move, don’t despair. Fixing those issues is quite simple, even after a move. So, after you’ve picked a city to live in and checked how safe your neighborhood is, it is the right time to organize other details.
After you’ve decided where to move and found a perfect place to call home, planning the relocation process and preparing your new living space to move in with a newborn are the top priorities. Here are some of the most common questions all parents have when it comes to babyproofing.
If you’re worried that the appliances or furniture pieces in your household could pose a potential danger to toddlers since they’re still not aware of how to act around them, you’re completely right! According to the latest research, furniture pieces, TVs, and appliances tipping over are the most common reasons for serious injuries for five-year-olds.
For that reason, starting the process of childproofing is necessary as soon as babies start to crawl. All the household possessions that are heavy or breakable should be put on higher shelves, while all the kitchen appliances like stoves, microwaves, or refrigerators that open or turn on easily should be protected with safety locks. Although kids start to understand that their actions cause consequences at the age of 3-5, it is highly recommended not to rely on this and do everything possible to protect them from injuries.
Different ages require different levels of attention. However, at one point, home protection should come to an end since the child should learn how to be responsible and take care of themselves. Of course, learning responsibility is a long process, and the protection should be removed gradually.
All this means that you should not underestimate the capabilities of your child to understand the consequences of their actions, but also, do not overestimate them. The best solution is to educate children and observe their habits patiently. The moment you find that the kid is independent enough to take a bath or prepare breakfast, take it as an indicator the childproofing should stop!
Also, don’t forget to have a serious conversation with your child about what you’re going to do and explain that now they are grown enough to be responsible for their actions. This should inspire them to be more cautious and aware of their responsibility not only for themselves but for the whole household.
One of the essential things to do after moving into the new living space is to mark all the pieces of furniture and appliances that should be properly protected. Creating a list of all things to take care of is the most effective way not to forget anything, and going room-by-room and checking the safety conditions will only help you streamline the whole process. Here are the most critical points of every living area you should be aware of when trying to protect your toddlers’ health!
Although the nursery shouldn’t have any sharp objects by default, still there are some details to pay attention to. Cover all the sockets and cords, lock the windows – just in case, and most importantly, before packing toys, sort them all out because there is always the possibility that there is a toy not intended for the age your kids are. If you find a toy that can pose a potential danger, try to find out where to donate toys and give them away to the right hands.
Some attention should also be devoted to picking the right crib. Not only should the crib be comfortable enough, but it should be hard to get out of! This is the reason why you should pick a crib with higher bars that will prevent the kid from jumping over them.
To enjoy all the benefits of moving, don’t forget to prepare the living room properly too. Hitting TVs, trying to move bulky furniture pieces, climbing sofas, touching and pulling cords and cables, and toppling over armchairs are only a few of the dangerous thoughts that can come across your kid’s mind. Incorporating protective items is an indispensable practice, and creating a playing area in the living room will definitely help your curious toddlers stay away from potential threats.
Putting a child fence or designating a playing corner will help you keep an eye on them and ensure they don’t make a mess. So consider these two ideas after you move into the new household and feel the full potential of the place. Also, if you moved plants, think of ways to protect them too, because your little ones will definitely find a way to use them in their play.
Opening all the cupboards that hide treasures inside, smashing plates just to see what happens next, and checking why the recycle bin stinks can be the major ideas of your little explorer. To prevent those dangerous plans from coming true, get cupboard locks and put them all around your kitchen cabinets and drawers, so those things will be hard to reach.
Also, if you have a china cabinet that is not too heavy and can be easily moved – and trust us, toddlers can be pretty strong and decisive when they want to see what is hiding behind a cabinet, ensure to fasten it to the wall. Moreover, if you have some really valuable pieces of china, consider storing them for some time inside boxes, wrapped with different types of packing materials and away from the kitchen area. Don’t forget that for some possessions, the best way to keep them whole is to store them out of sight of your little ones and make them impossible to reach!
Splashing water all around the bathroom, checking if the entrance to the ninja turtle’s crib is really through the toilet bowl, or trying to wash hair in it sounds like real fun for toddlers and a nightmare for parents. To become a real parent and decent party breaker, get toilet locks that will keep your kids away from touching the toilet seat and bacteria. Close contact with bacteria and viruses can negatively affect children’s health since their immune system is still vulnerable.
Luckily, the cost to baby-proof a house can be quite low. For all items needed to secure the living area, you’ll need to set aside around $200 in total, so your attempt to save on moving costs won’t go to waste. Another great thing is that those protective items are easy to find in all stores all around the country, so even if you’re relocating to a small town, you’ll still be able to get them.
The protective items to put on the shopping list are:
Use the above mentioned items, and you will successfully stop your kids from touching any dangerous things such as electrical sockets, falling down the stairs, or injuring themselves in close encounters with sharp edges. There are also DIY options to protect the household, so check out the video below and find the ultimate child-proofing moving tips. This way, you’ll know all critical points that will draw attention to all the potential dangers in your living space.
The experience of relocating with kids is tiring and stressful since your little ones are too young to understand what is happening why you’re not paying attention to them as usual. In some cases, the lack of attention – according to their standards, can cause a lot of anxiety, so coping with the cross-country moving process can become unbearable without the professional help of cross-country movers.
To reduce moving stress to the minimum and be able to devote yourself to your kids and other tasks from the checklist for moving to another state, make sure to find a reliable moving company. Start the search by simply Googling “long distance movers near me,” contact a few companies, compare the quotes, and pick the long-distance movers that can offer a range of different long-distance moving services.
Whether you need packing services only or want to schedule auto transport as well, finding a company that can offer all the needed assistance is the best way to organize your move. Still, before confirming any deals or signing the contract, don’t forget to check if the moving company is legitimate because this is the safest solution to be entirely sure you’re dealing with trustworthy movers capable of relocating you efficiently.