Everything You Need to Know About Moving With a Dog Across the Country

If you’re moving with a dog, there are a lot of things to consider. From finding a new home to preparing your pet for the move, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about moving a dog to a new home across the country.

A dog sitting on a pile of boxes overlay
August 21, 2022 Posted in How-to

Cross-country moving can be a stressful experience for humans and pets alike, but with a bit of preparation, it can go as smoothly as possible. In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about moving with a dog, from planning ahead to making the move as stress-free as possible. Keep reading for tips on how to make your residential moving smooth sailing for both you and your furry friend!

There Are a Few Things To Do Before Moving With a Dog

There’s no denying that relocation is a stressful time for everyone involved. But if you’re planning on making a move with your furry friend, there are some extra things you’ll need to take into consideration. If only relocations could be as simple as snapping your fingers and being in the new house instantly, completely set. But they are, unfortunately, never that simple or magical, especially when you’re relocating with pets. So, start compiling a move-out list so you can move efficiently.

Let Them Get Familiar With Supplies

You should give your furry friend some time to get used to all the new relocation-related items, such as crates, packing paper, bubble wrap, and different types of materials. And, of course, the quiet screams of frustration. Letting your dog sniff around these items and even play with them a bit will help them feel less anxious on relocation day. You may even want to choose the best-sized boxes and put some of their favorite toys in them, so they have something to focus on during the move-out preparations. Do this before you start just putting things into boxes and praying they make it to the new place.

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Moving With Dogs Means Planning Ahead

Planning ahead means calling cross-country movers on time and paying for various long-distance moving services. But when it comes to relocations that involve pets, the best way to avoid any surprises is to plan ahead for them, too. This means doing your research on the best way to move with your doggy and making sure that you have all of the necessary supplies ahead of time. So, prepare a checklist for your move across the country, and start ticking off tasks.

Ensure They Are Vaccinated

One of the most important things to do when you’re getting ready to move with your pet is to make sure that they are up to date on all of their vaccinations. This is important not only for their health but also because some states require proof of vaccination in order to enter the state.

Update Their Paperwork

You’ll also need to obtain a health certificate from your veterinarian. This document will state that your dog is in good health and up-to-date on all of its vaccinations. You’ll also need to get a copy of your dog’s rabies certificate, as this is required by many states.

Get Your Furry Companion Microchipped

You’ll need to make sure that your dog is microchipped and registered with a national pet recovery database such as HomeAgain or AKC Reunite. This will help ensure that if your doggy gets lost during the move, it can be quickly and easily returned to you. Finally, you’ll want to purchase a good quality ID tag with your contact information so that anyone who finds your dog can immediately get in touch with you.

Start Training Your Pet on Time and Get Them Acquainted With Their Crate

Crate training your dog can be an effective way to help them learn how to behave indoors and make sure they are comfortable in their new home. It is important to start crate training as soon as possible after you bring it home so that they can get used to the idea of being in a crate and understand that it is a safe place for them to be. It doesn’t matter whether you’ll be traveling in your own vehicle or you’re having it shipped by auto transport service. A crate can make all the difference during the trip. Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Choose the right size crate for your furry friend. It should be big enough for them to stand up and turn around but not so big that they can make a mess in one corner and sleep in another.
  • Put something comfortable in the crate for your doggy to lie on, such as a blanket or a small bed.
  • Start by feeding them their meals in the crate so that they associate it with something positive.
  • Gradually increase the amount of time you leave them in the crate, working up to several hours at a time.
  • Let them out of the crate whenever they need to go to the bathroom, and never punish them for having an accident in the crate.

With a little patience and consistency, you can successfully crate-train your furry companion and give them a safe and comfortable place to call their own. And after the move, you can freely leave the crate in storage service until you need it again.

Consider How to Calm Your Furry Friend During the Road

There are a number of anti-anxiety products on the market that can help your doggy feel calmer and more relaxed. Products such as pheromone collars, calming supplements, and anxiety wraps can all be helpful in reducing your dog’s anxiety levels.

Pheromone collars release a synthetic version of the calming pheromone that mother dogs release to their puppies. This pheromone helps to reduce stress and anxiety in them and can be a very effective way to help them feel more relaxed. Calming supplements are another option that can help to reduce your dog’s anxiety levels. These supplements contain ingredients such as chamomile, lemon balm, L-theanine, and passion flower, which have all been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety.

Anxiety wraps are a type of garment that applies gentle, constant pressure to your dog’s body. This pressure has a calming effect on them and can help to reduce their anxiety levels. These wraps are available in a variety of sizes to fit all types of pets and can be worn during the day or at night. If you are concerned about your dog’s anxiety levels, talk to your veterinarian about the best options for your furry friend. There are a number of effective products on the market that can help them feel more relaxed and calm.

The following video shows some additional anti-anxiety techniques for your furry companion.

There are A Few Things You Can Do During the Packing Process to Make it Easier for Dogs

Packing on itself is already stressful enough, and it may aggravate your pets, too. That’s why you need to take your focus off the preparations from time to time and spare some moments to spend with your furry friends. Take breaks to go on walks or hikes with your dog, and provide a variety of opportunities for both physical and cerebral stimulation.

Play with them and conduct brief training sessions while rewarding them for accomplishments and tricks like staying or rolling over. Take daily outings to your dog’s preferred play location, or bring your dog’s best pal over for a play date in the backyard. However, if you want to pack quickly, employ someone else to watch your pet while you focus on the task.

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Give Them Some Alone Time in Their Preferred Location

Your dog’s favorite room should be the last one you pack. Allow them to relax there peacefully, away from the commotion. To help them relax, turn on some calming sounds or a fan. To help them pass the time, give them a toy or food dispenser that is packed with treats.

Keep the House Looking as “Normal” as Possible

Once you begin packing, it is almost difficult to stop the area from abruptly seeming as though a tornado had just blasted through it. Make a concerted effort to tidy up after work, making sure to get rid of the trash, used bubble wrap, tape dispensers, and boxes, as well as arrange your cleaning materials. The more orderly the home appears and feels, and the more you do some move-out cleaning, the better it is for your dog.

Additionally, you don’t really want your inquisitive dog to chance an accident with objects that can be harmful to them. However, you can overcome this obstacle if you pay for packing services. That way, the “long-distance movers near me” you’ve Googled and employed will pack while you spend some time with your pet.

man cleaning the floor
Tidy your surroundings constantly while packing to avoid pet anxiety

Have a Pet Sitter for the Day When Long-Distance Movers Arrive

It’s always a big adjustment when long-distance movers arrive. Not only is there all the planning and work that goes into making a move but there’s also the challenge of getting your new home set up and organized. If you have pets, this can be even more challenging. You want to make sure your furry friends are well taken care of, and the best move-out day tip is finding a reputable dog sitter.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re looking for one. First, you’ll want to find someone who is experienced and trustworthy. Just like when you were choosing a relocation company, you should ask your friends or family if they know anyone who could watch your dog for the day. If you’re moving to a new city, you can also check with your local animal shelters or rescue groups. They may have recommendations for reputable pet sitters in your area.

Once you’ve found a few potential candidates, set up interviews to get to know them better. This is also a good time to ask about their rates and policies. Be sure to ask about their experience with dogs and if they have any references which you can contact. Finally, when you’ve found the right dog sitter, be sure to schedule a meet-and-greet before the big day. This will give you a chance to show them around your home and make sure they’re comfortable with the environment. A good relocation tip is to go over any final instructions or questions you may have.

a baby and a dog sitting together
Did you know that dogs' noses are always wet to assist them in absorbing scent molecules?

There Are a Few Things You Can Do to Help Your Pet Adapt to a New Home

One of the most stressful things for a doggo can be relocating to a new home. It’s important to help your furry friend adjust to the change as much as possible. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

  • Keep their routine as normal as possible. If they normally go for a walk in the morning, try to stick to that schedule. If you’ve moved to the suburbs, there’s probably plenty of space for them to explore. If they have a favorite toy or blanket, make sure they have access to it.
  • Allow them to explore their new home at their own pace. Let them sniff around and get comfortable with their surroundings before you start asking them to do things.
  • Pay attention to their body language. If they seem hesitant or scared, give them some space. They’ll let you know when they’re ready to interact.
  • Be patient. It may take a little while for your dog to feel at home in their new surroundings, especially if you’ve moved to a big city. But with a little time and patience, they’ll be just fine.

If You are Calm During the Move, Your Pet Will Also Be

If you are feeling stressed about your upcoming move, it’s important to try and remain calm and make the relocation easier. Your pets can sense your anxiety, and it will make them more agitated. Try to keep things as normal as possible for them and create a relaxing environment. This will help your pet feel more comfortable and less anxious. The best way to accomplish this is to have a plan and a to-do list for you and your pets ready and let the long-distance moving company take care of the rest.

Kate Holland

A true grunge and rock music fan born in Seattle, Kate has moved across the country and started writing about her experience.



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