The Rural Retreat: Benefits and Advantages of Living in the Countryside

Nestled amidst nature’s embrace, living in the countryside offers an enchanting escape from the chaotic urban jungle. Picture rolling hills, vibrant meadows, and a sense of serenity that envelops your soul. In this guide, we’ll explore the myriad benefits and advantages of living in the countryside. Embrace the idyllic charm of rustic living, where time slows down and the air is filled with a symphony of birdsong. Get ready to embark on a journey where every breath becomes a celebration of nature’s bountiful wonders.

View of a brown and green mountain overlay
July 3, 2023 Posted in Plan the Move

So, what might be the pros and cons of living in the countryside? It offers a peaceful and tranquil environment. The countryside provides ample space, allowing for larger properties and the opportunity to enjoy a closer connection with the outdoors. The sense of community in rural areas is often strong, fostering a close-knit network. Living costs may be lower compared to urban areas.

However, limited access to amenities and services, including healthcare and shopping options, can be a drawback. Transportation may be less convenient, with longer commutes and limited public transportation. High-speed internet connectivity might also be a concern in certain rural areas.

Tranquility and Peaceful Lifestyle Are the Top Benefits of Living in the Countryside

In recent years, Americans have been increasingly captivated by the allure of rural living, prompting many to plan a cross-country move. According to the USDA , a growing number of individuals are seeking the tranquility and peaceful lifestyle that the countryside offers.

The appeal lies in escaping the hustle and bustle of urban life, where stress and noise become the norm. By embracing non-urban living, you embark on a journey towards a stress-free and harmonious existence, where the pace of life slows down, and your well-being takes center stage.

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Escaping the Hustle and Bustle of Urban Life

Imagine trading the cacophony of honking horns and sirens for the melodious symphony of rustling leaves and singing birds. Say goodbye to stressful commutes and endless lines, and instead, welcome a slower and more leisurely pace of living.

Stress-free moving becomes a reality as you settle into a community where neighbors know one another by name and lend a helping hand without hesitation. The countryside provides a refuge from the chaotic urban environment.

Enjoying Quiet and Peaceful Surroundings

One of the greatest advantages of living in the countryside is the opportunity to bask in the tranquility of quiet and peaceful surroundings. It may mean moving away from friends, but it opens the door to a world where the noise of traffic and city clamor is replaced by the soothing whispers of the wind. Whether it’s savoring the hushed stillness of a starry night or relishing the simple pleasure of an uninterrupted countryside stroll, every moment becomes an invitation to embrace serenity.

Reduced Stress and Improved Well-Being

Among the many reasons to move to a rural area, reduced stress and improved well-being take center stage. The countryside provides a nurturing environment that allows you to prioritize self-care and reconnect with nature. You have the freedom to breathe deeply, unwind, and immerse yourself in activities that rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.

From exploring hiking trails and engaging in outdoor pursuits to cultivating a garden or simply enjoying the vast expanse of nature, the rural areas offer an abundance of opportunities to enhance your well-being.

A woman walking among the trees
Are you ready to embrace non-urban living that offers a healthier lifestyle?

Connection With Nature Is a Must

When considering a move from an apartment into a house in a rural area or even relocating for love somewhere far away from the city, fostering a deep connection with nature becomes a must. The allure of green landscapes, vibrant flora, and the soothing sounds of wildlife beckon those seeking a closer relationship with the natural world. Embracing the beauty of natural surroundings becomes an integral part of the journey.

Embracing the Beauty of Natural Surroundings

One of the remarkable benefits of relocating is the opportunity to immerse oneself in the captivating beauty of natural surroundings. Moving from an apartment into a house provides the chance to create a home nestled amidst picturesque landscapes. Whether it’s gazing out at rolling hills, enjoying colorful sunsets, or simply breathing in the fresh scent of wildflowers, farm life offers a visual feast that nurtures the soul.

A farmland near mountains
Who can resist the natural beauty of nature in pastoral areas?

Access to Open Spaces and Outdoor Recreational Activities

One of the things people often forget when moving is the abundance of open spaces and outdoor recreational activities that await in the countryside. Living in a house surrounded by wide-open landscapes and expansive greenery offers the freedom to explore and indulge in outdoor pursuits. From hiking through lush forests and meandering along scenic trails to cycling through idyllic countryside paths, the options for outdoor adventures are endless.

Health Benefits of Being Close to Nature

Being close to nature brings a myriad of health benefits, both physical and mental. Studies have  shown that spending time in green spaces and natural environments can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and enhance overall well-being.

Whether it’s the therapeutic effects of a stroll through a forest, the invigorating experience of breathing in the fresh country air, or the revitalizing effect of absorbing natural sunlight, rural areas offer a holistic approach to health.

A woman in the sunflower field
With great health on farmland comes happiness and enthusiasm for life!

There are Strong Community Bonds

When it comes to making friends in a new state, the countryside offers an exceptional environment where strong community bonds flourish. Picture this: a place where neighbors are more than just acquaintances but true friends who support and uplift one another. In tight-knit communities, individuals form lasting connections, united by shared values and a genuine sense of care.

Tight-Knit Communities and Neighborly Relationships

Imagine a place where neighbors not only know your name but genuinely look out for one another. In rural areas, there’s a sense of camaraderie that permeates daily life. Whether it’s lending a cup of sugar, organizing neighborhood gatherings, or assisting in times of need, the support and genuine care among neighbors are truly remarkable.

Sense of Belonging and Support Networks

Moving to a new state can be daunting, but in the countryside, a profound sense of belonging awaits. Rural areas offer a nurturing environment where newcomers are embraced with open arms. The community becomes a support network, ready to lend a helping hand and offer guidance as you organize a move and settle into your new home.

Whether it’s recommendations for local services, introducing you to local traditions and events, or simply being there as a friendly presence, provincial areas envelop you in a comforting embrace.

People hugging each other
One thing is for sure, you can be alone on farmland but never lonely!

Opportunities for Community Involvement and Participation

Engaging with the local community is a wonderful way to foster a sense of connection and combat potential feelings of depression after moving to a new area. Here are some tips to actively participate in the community:

  • Join local clubs or organizations related to your interests, such as sports teams, hobby groups, or book clubs.
  • Volunteer for community initiatives, such as charity events, environmental clean-ups, or food drives.
  • Attend local festivals, fairs, and cultural events to immerse yourself in the rich traditions of the area.
  • Take part in community workshops or classes, whether it’s learning a new skill or attending educational seminars.
  • Engage with local businesses and support the community’s economy by shopping locally.
  • Connect with neighbors through neighborhood associations, social gatherings, or block parties.

Affordability and Lower Cost of Living Are Also a Plus

When considering a move, affordability and a lower cost of living are significant factors to take into account. Deciding to move and live in the countryside provides an opportunity to easily save money to move and enjoy a more budget-friendly lifestyle. From lower housing costs to saving on daily expenses and the potential for self-sufficiency, rural living offers a range of financial advantages that can positively impact your relocation budget.

Lower Housing Costs Compared to Urban Areas

One of the most notable benefits of this lifestyle is the lower housing costs compared to urban areas. When searching for a new home, you’ll discover that real estate prices tend to be more affordable in provincial locations.

Whether you’re looking to buy or rent, you can find spacious properties, charming cottages, or even expansive farmland at a fraction of the cost you would expect in urban centers. The Numbeo website provides valuable insights into the cost of living and housing expenses in different regions, helping you make informed decisions and maximize your savings.

Savings on Daily Expenses and Necessities

From groceries to healthcare, transportation to entertainment, the cost of living tends to be lower in rural areas. Local markets, farm stands, and direct-to-consumer options provide opportunities to access fresh, locally-produced food at more affordable prices. On top of this, the reduced reliance on public transportation and lower fuel costs can help stretch your relocation budget even further.

A man and woman smiling next to a piggy bank
Struggling to pay your bills is a thing of the past since farm life offers a more affordable lifestyle

Potential for Self-Sufficiency and Sustainable Living

From cultivating your garden and raising livestock to harnessing renewable energy sources, there are numerous things to do after moving to embrace a more self-sufficient and eco-friendly lifestyle. The abundance of open spaces allows for the establishment of home gardens and the cultivation of fresh produce.

Renewable energy options, such as solar panels or wind turbines, can reduce energy costs and contribute to a more sustainable future. Embracing self-sufficiency and sustainable practices not only helps save money but also fosters a deeper connection with the land.

Watch the video below to get an idea how self-sufficient lifestyle can look like for you.

Countryside Has Healthier Environment

From cleaner air quality to access to fresh and locally sourced food, the remote areas provide an ideal setting to prioritize your health and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. The benefits of relocating extend beyond the physical realm and contribute to a holistic approach to well-being.

Cleaner Air and Reduced Pollution

One of the remarkable benefits is the significantly cleaner air quality and reduced pollution compared to urban areas. In cities, air pollution from vehicles, factories, and other sources can impact respiratory health. However, on farmland, you can breathe in the fresh air and enjoy a healthier environment. Picture this: waking up to crisp, clear mornings, free from the haze of pollution.

A man with a cap standing with closed eyes
Air quality in hinterland areas is by far better than those in urban areas!

Access to Fresh and Locally Sourced Food

Living this lifestyle opens up a world of opportunities to access fresh and locally sourced food, contributing to a healthier diet. Embrace a farm-to-table approach, where you can indulge in the delights of seasonal produce, farm-fresh eggs, and locally-raised meat. Here are some tips for enjoying fresh and locally sourced food include:

  • Visit farmers’ markets and farm stands to discover a wide array of fresh, organic produce directly from local growers.
  • Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program to receive a regular supply of fresh, locally grown produce.
  • Explore pick-your-own farms, where you can handpick fruits, vegetables, and herbs, connecting directly with the land and the food you consume.
  • Engage with local farmers and producers to learn about their farming practices and support sustainable agriculture in the region.

Enhanced Work-Life Balance

One of the remarkable advantages of living in the countryside is the enhanced work-life balance it offers. When you find a job in a provincial area, you open up the door to a more fulfilling and harmonious lifestyle. The new environment allows you to prioritize your well-being while still pursuing professional aspirations. Embrace a balanced approach to life that nurtures both your career and your personal life.

Less Commuting Time and Stress

Living in a remote location significantly reduces commuting time and the associated stress compared to urban areas. Instead of spending hours stuck in traffic or navigating crowded public transportation, picture this: a pleasant morning stroll through peaceful surroundings to your home office or a short drive through scenic routes to your workplace. The reduced commuting time not only allows for more quality time with family and friends but also alleviates the anxiety about moving to a new location.

Flexibility for Remote Work or Entrepreneurship

With advancements in technology, many professions can be carried out remotely, allowing you to work from the comfort of your home or in a serene setting. This flexibility not only reduces commuting stress but also provides opportunities for better work-life integration.

Moreover, the countryside often offers a supportive environment for entrepreneurs, with lower overhead costs, access to local markets, and a strong sense of community that fosters networking and collaboration.

A woman working from home
You can dedicate more time to the activities and relationships that matter most to you.

There Are Different Educational Opportunities

When moving with kids, one of the significant advantages you have to know about is the availability of different educational opportunities. Rural areas offer a range of options that cater to diverse learning needs and provide unique experiences tied to nature and agriculture.

High-Quality Schools in Rural Areas

We have to point out that there are different high-quality schools in many rural areas. Here are some details you should know about:

  • Rural places often have high-quality schools that prioritize personalized education and foster a supportive learning environment.
  • Examples include small-town public schools, private schools with specialized programs, and charter schools focused on specific educational approaches.
  • These schools often have dedicated and passionate teachers who provide a comprehensive education tailored to the needs of each student.

Personalized Attention and Smaller Class Sizes

One of the significant benefits of education in rural areas is personalized attention and smaller class sizes. With fewer students in each classroom, teachers can devote more individualized attention to each child. This allows for a more student-centered approach to education, where teachers can tailor their teaching methods and address the unique learning styles and strengths of each student.

A teacher posing for a picture with students
Smaller class sizes promote stronger teacher-student relationships!

Learning Experiences Tied to Nature and Agriculture

Rural areas provide opportunities for students to explore the natural world, understand ecological systems, and appreciate the importance of sustainable practices. Examples of such learning experiences include field trips to local farms, outdoor science lessons in natural habitats, and hands-on agricultural projects.

By integrating nature and agriculture into the curriculum, students develop a deep appreciation for the environment, gain practical knowledge, and foster a sense of responsibility towards the land.

Hire Long Distance Movers to Make Your Relocation Faster

When planning a long-distance relocation, hiring professional cross-country movers is of utmost importance to ensure a faster and smoother transition. These experienced professionals offer versatile long-distance moving services that go beyond simply transporting your belongings. They understand the complexities of cross-country moves and possess the expertise to handle all aspects of the process efficiently. From packing your belongings securely to navigating through logistics and transportation challenges, hiring long-distance movers provides invaluable support.

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Embrace All the Benefits of the Countryside and Have a Happy Life

Welcoming all the benefits of countryside living can truly enrich your life and provide a fulfilling experience. The affordability, healthier environment, and opportunities for personal growth make the countryside an attractive choice for many individuals and families. When you’re ready to embark on your cross-country journey, turn to Trico Long-Distance Movers, a trusted long-distance moving company.

Instead of googling “long-distance movers near me”, trust us since we provide reliable and comprehensive cross-country moving services that ensure a seamless transition. Contact us today and let our team of professionals handle the logistics, so you can focus on embracing all the joys and benefits that farm life has to offer.


What Are the Best Places to Live in the Countryside?

The best places to live in rural places vary depending on individual preferences and priorities, but some popular choices include regions with scenic landscapes, access to outdoor activities, and a strong sense of community.

What Are the Main Advantages of Living in the Countryside?

Living in rural areas offers advantages such as a slower pace of life, a closer connection with nature, and a stronger sense of community and belonging.

How Does Living in the Countryside Offer a Stronger Connection With Nature?

Living in rural locations provides greater proximity to natural surroundings, allowing for more opportunities to explore and engage with nature through activities like hiking, wildlife observation, and gardening.

What Are Some of the Health Benefits Associated With Rural Living?

Rural living is often associated with cleaner air, reduced pollution, and a quieter environment, which can contribute to improved respiratory health, reduced stress levels, and a greater sense of well-being.

How Does the Countryside Provide a More Peaceful Lifestyle Compared to Urban Areas?

The environment in rural locations tends to have less noise, congestion, and urban stressors, creating a calmer and more serene atmosphere that promotes a peaceful lifestyle.

What Is the Sense of Community Like in Rural Areas?

Rural areas often have a close-knit and supportive community, where neighbors know and help each other, fostering a strong sense of belonging, friendship, and mutual support.

Are There Any Financial Advantages to Living in the Countryside?

Living in rural areas can offer financial advantages such as lower housing costs, reduced expenses for daily necessities, and the potential for self-sufficiency and sustainable living.

How Does the Environment in Rural Areas Contribute to a Healthier Lifestyle?

The rural environment typically provides access to fresh air, open spaces, and opportunities for outdoor activities, which promote physical activity, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

Can Living in the Countryside Contribute to a Better Work-Life Balance?

Living in rural places often offers a better work-life balance with reduced commuting time, less stress, and the potential for remote work or entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to prioritize personal well-being and family life.

What Educational Opportunities Are Available in Rural Areas?

Rural places provide a range of educational opportunities, including high-quality schools, personalized attention, and learning experiences tied to nature, agriculture, and local cultural heritage.

How Does Living in the Countryside Help Preserve Cultural Heritage and Traditions?

Living in rural locations often means being part of a community that values and preserves cultural heritage and traditions through local festivals, arts and crafts, storytelling, and shared customs, creating a rich tapestry of rural culture.

Madison Rogers

Born and raised in Houston Madison is a content writer who loves traveling. She has lived in different states and is always eager to share her knowledge with others.



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