How to Get a Job Before You Move to a New City

If you’re in the process of relocating to a new city, one of your top priorities is going to be finding employment. Landing a position before you even arrive can make the transition much smoother. But how to get a job before you move, and is it even possible? Luckily, it is – check out our tips below to get started.

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August 12, 2022 Posted in How-to

In order to get employment before you move, you must do your research. Find out what industries are booming and research companies in those industries that are hiring in the place you’re relocating to. You must also get your resume and cover letter in order and set up alerts with the help of different online tools. Get in touch with your professional and personal networks and let them know you’re looking for a position. Finally, start applying to all the jobs that seem fitting.

Why Is It Important to Know How to Get a Job Before You Move?

Finding a suitable work position even before the move can have a number of advantages. Here is why it should be on the top of your to-do list, even if you have a last-minute move:

  • You’ll be able to support yourself financially right from the start, which is especially important if you’re relocating to another state alone. This way, you can maintain all your previously saved up funds rather than utilizing them to pay expenses while you look for a suitable position.
  • It can help you ease your mind during cross-country moving and experience all of the relocation benefits without worries. By securing the position in advance, you can move in without worrying about whether you’ll find employment and reduce the relocation stress.
  • You’ll be able to organize and plan ahead. Knowing your salary in advance might also help you determine how much money you can set aside for rent costs or monthly mortgage installments.
  • It can help you secure housing, which will, in return, help you achieve a stress-free move. Note that, in order to rent an apartment, house, or condo, you are frequently required to provide income documentation.

First Step to Finding a Job Before Moving Is Research

Before the move, you should learn as much as you can about the employment market in the area you’re relocating to and potential employers you are interested in. Additionally, you might begin investigating the wage disparities between the cities you are considering relocating to. If you still haven’t decided where to move, it will help you pick a city to live in before getting long-distance moving services.

Once you’ve done the search, try to organize a weekend vacation to determine where you want to relocate and to see how you will like the location. To make the most of your time and learn essential information about potential career prospects, consider scheduling informational interviews, if possible.

To make your job easier, we made a list of some great sites you can check out when looking for new employment.


This well-known networking site features a job board as well. Enter the position title or keyword under the jobs tab and filter the results. LinkedIn is also a good place for other companies to find you. All you have to do is change your address to suit the new location – and you should appear in the search results of suitable companies that are hiring.


On Indeed, you may search for any employment type and level, including remote employment options. It also offers an app that makes it simple to access jobs from a mobile device. Additionally, don’t overlook other important information this site offers, such as employer ratings and pay data.


Glassdoor, which is well-known for giving out anonymous corporate ratings, also posts employment offerings. It also provides quick access to salary information and company reviews to help you make an opinion about the company before applying.


There are jobs posted here at all levels, and there is an app that makes it simpler to review jobs while on the go. CareerBuilder includes tools like “recommended talents” to help determine your suitability for a position.

Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs is a search engine that displays employment listings from a variety of sources. This can save you a ton of time and perhaps even lead to the discovery of employment opportunities you otherwise wouldn’t find. Users can filter their search by employment type, area, business type, posting date, and more.

When You Decide on a Location, Contact a Recruiter

One of the things to do before the relocation is to get in touch with recruiters who operate for businesses in your preferable sector. They might be aware of organizations that are looking to fill positions and can give you information about a company’s culture, benefits, and starting pay. Additionally, if they believe you are an excellent fit for a position, they could suggest you to a company and arrange an interview for you. That is why you should never neglect this step when you’re relocating to a new state and looking for employment.

Check out the video below and learn how to talk to a recruiter to find dream employment.

Go Online and Build a New Network

By engaging in online groups based on your profession and selected location, you can start networking with people in your industry  – even from afar. By doing so, you can establish relationships with people who can provide you with valuable information on employment in that new region. They might give you suggestions, give you pointers on how to get a job in a new city, and suggest you for open positions.

Don’t forget that you can also rely on your present network to see if anyone knows of any employment openings in the area where you want to move. For instance, someone in your circle might be aware of a chance in a different department of their business and is willing to recommend you.

Put Your Relocation Plans in a Cover Letter

In this cover letter, you should mention that you are relocating and explain why you are interested in the position and the company. You can also provide an overview of your qualifications and highlight why you would be a good fit for the role.

It’s essential to include your plans to relocate to a new city when writing your cover letter – let them know you are serious about planning a move and that you’ll relocate whether you get the position or not. Give a sentence or two’s worth of your relocation reasons, but ensure your letter is primarily about your qualifications and why you tried to apply for the position.

Including this information in your cover letter shows that you are proactive and organized, which can place you well above other applicants. It is also a good way to start building a relationship with your potential new employer.

Learn How to Ace Your Cover Letter

The cover letter is your first chance to make a good impression, and you want to be sure that you make the most of it. The first sentence of your cover letter should be attention-grabbing and give the reader a reason to keep reading. For example, you could start by discussing your relevant experience or skills or by sharing an interesting story about yourself. Still, remember that you need to keep your letter short and sweet. Your cover letter should be no more than one page long, so make sure you get to the point quickly.

Of course, you should use a cover letter to highlight some of your best qualities, such as your drive, determination, and ability to work well with others but ensure to demonstrate your knowledge of the company as well. In the end, always proofread your cover letter.

If you could use more tips on how to write an exceptional cover letter, take a look at the following video:

Apply For More Than One Job Opening

Applying for more jobs at the same time increases your chances of finding employment. But that’s not all! It also allows you to compare different employers and see which one is the best fit for you. That is why you should take your time to tailor your resume and cover letter to each specific employer. Apply for jobs on corporate websites and search engines, and attempt to take a proactive approach by keeping track of the status of your applications – frequently checking your inbox for the companies’ responses is a must.

It’s crucial to keep up your employment hunt as you wait to hear back from companies you’ve already applied to. Create job notifications and follow the company page of your ideal employer to be alerted when new positions become available. Also, don’t underestimate the value of face-to-face communication. Ask a family member, friend, or mentor about their career journey over coffee – it can give you more ideas and motivate you to continue with the search.

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Look Out for Suspicious Offers

There are many scammers who post fake employment ads in order to try and get personal information from people who are looking for work. Be sure to research any company that you’re considering applying to, and never give out personal information (such as your Social Security number or bank account information) to someone you don’t know.

If you come across a position ad that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of any offer that asks you to pay for something upfront or that promises an extraordinarily high salary for very little work. Also, check the company’s website and ensure that the opening ad is posted there. If it’s not, that’s a red flag that you shouldn’t apply for it at all. There are plenty of legitimate jobs out there, so don’t let yourself be scammed. Do your research and be cautious, and getting a job before moving will be possible without any trouble.

Woman getting an interview before cross-country moving
According to BBB, the most common victims of employment scams are people who are between 25 and 34 years old

In the Interview, Explain Your Relocation

Be prepared to explain why you’re relocating to a new home, not just in the cover letter but during the interview. To ensure that your response to this question is enthusiastic and reflects your sincere desire to organize a move, prepare an answer in advance.

If you are prepared and confident when you speak, and you prove to the recruiter or prospective employer how serious you are, they may be more willing to take a chance on an applicant from outside the local or state area. And once they do, it’s time to get packing services and start with all the necessary relocation day preparations.

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When You Land a Job, Hire Cross Country Movers and Move Without a Fuss

Getting employment in your desired location even before you move is a great way to start your relocation journey. However, so it continues smoothly, make sure you hire a reliable long-distance moving company to help you get to your future home without any hassle. Google the best long-distance mover near me and find the most skilled and experienced team in your area. With the help of professionals, you can relax and focus on adjusting to a new town and your new employment, leaving them to deal with all the daunting and exhausting relocation tasks.

Milly Andrews

Born and raised in Portland, Milly has had a lot of experience moving and writing about the relocation process.



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