Everything You Should Know About How to Transfer LLC to Another State

If you’re a business owner who plans to move across the country, you’re likely wondering how to transfer LLC to another state. This process can seem daunting, but with the right information, it’s actually quite straightforward.

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December 2, 2022 Posted in How-to

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about transferring your LLC. We’ll cover the basics of what needs to be done, as well as some more specific steps that may be applicable depending on your situation. So whether you’re just starting to plan your move or are in the final stages of preparation, read on for helpful tips before you contact cross-country movers.

What Is an LLC?

An LLC or a limited liability company is a sort of corporate organization used in the United States that protects its members from being held personally accountable for the company’s debts. Legal entities known as limited liability firms combine elements of corporate entities, sole proprietorships, and partnerships. Even while the limited liability aspect can be compared to that of a corporation, the availability of flow-through taxes to the shareholders of an LLC is a characteristic of a partnering company rather than an LLC. So, before you invest in long-distance moving services, understand all about LLCs and what it takes to transfer them to another part of the US.

Understanding the LLC

Limited liability companies are permitted by state law, but every state has a unique set of regulations governing them. An LLC’s owners are its members. Anyone can join because many states do not impose ownership limitations, including individuals, businesses, foreign nationals, foreign corporations, and even other LLCs. However, some businesses, such as banks and insurance companies, are unable to form LLCs.

An LLC must file articles of organization with the state in order to operate formally. Compared to a corporation, an LLC is easier to form and provides investors with more flexibility and security. LLCs have the choice to defer paying upfront federal taxes. Instead, profits and losses are reported on the owner’s personal tax returns. It is free to select a different category, too. Creditors can be able to pursue the members if fraud is discovered or if a corporation doesn’t comply with legal and reporting standards.

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Why Would You Want to Move It to Another State

There can be a number of reasons for wanting your LLC to move to another state. Perhaps your business has outgrown its current location, and you are seeking new opportunities in a larger market. Or maybe you are simply looking for other benefits of relocating, such as a change of scenery and a fresh start. Whatever the reasons are, there are a few things to consider if you are considering transferring the business to another state.

The first thing to keep in mind is whether or not your LLC is currently in good standing in its home state. If you have outstanding debts or unresolved legal issues, it may be wise to settle those before making the move to a big city or perhaps a small town across the country. Otherwise, you may find yourself facing new challenges in your new location.

Next, you will need to research the requirements for LLCs in your new state of residence. Each state has its own rules and regulations governing LLCs, so it is important to be familiar with these before making the transition. You will also need to obtain a Certificate of Authority from the Secretary of State in your new state, which will allow you to legally operate your LLC in that state.

Finally, you will need to inform your current LLC members of the change of address and provide them with a copy of the new Certificate of Authority. Once these steps have been completed, you should be able to continue operating your LLC in its new state without any major disruptions.

If you need additional information about LLCs, watch the following video.

When Transferring LLC, Consider Your Options

What should you do now that you’ve made the decision to make an office move and are eager to start this new chapter? Before you relocate to a new home, think about speaking with a lawyer in the future state. It’s best to let them deal with some of the administrative issues and make sure the transfer is smooth and in compliance with the new state laws. Basically, you have three choices when relocating your LLC:

  • Transfer an LLC for a permanent move from one state to another,
  • For a temporary move, keep the old LLC and register in the new state,
  • Create a new LLC after dissolving an older one for a clean break.

What Are the Best States to Move an LLC To?

Domestication is the process of relocating an LLC to another state. In some cases, this could be the simplest and best course of action, especially if the change is going to be permanent. But before you start the cross-country moving process, you must determine whether domestication is legal in both states because not all of them allow it.

By acquiring a certificate of good standing from the previous state and submitting it, along with the articles of domestication, to the secretary of state or other organization in charge of company files in the new state, you can domesticate an LLC. The LLC must then be dissolved in the previous state.

Maintaining the same tax ID number, bank accounts, credit score, and existing business ties are just a few advantages of domesticating. Additionally, since you will only be in one state, you won’t need to comply with the LLC regulations of two states, as you would in the second choice.

The following states permit domestication:

  • Arizona,
  • California,
  • Colorado,
  • Delaware,
  • District of Columbia,
  • Florida,
  • Idaho,
  • Indiana,
  • Kansas,
  • Kentucky,
  • Louisiana,
  • Massachusetts,
  • Maine,
  • Mississippi,
  • Nebraska,
  • New Hampshire,
  • New Jersey,
  • Nevada,
  • Pennsylvania,
  • South Carolina,
  • South Dakota,
  • Texas,
  • Utah,
  • Virginia,
  • Washington,
  • Wisconsin,
  • Wyoming.

Knowing this information can also help you pick a city where you’ll live more easily.

How to Transfer LLC to Another State

If you’re looking to hire movers to help transfer your LLC to another state, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. First, be sure to contact the Secretary of State’s office in both the state you’re moving from and the state you’re relocating to find out what requirements need to be met. Once you have all the important documents in order, you’ll need to choose a reputable and experienced company that can handle the transition.

When looking for long-distance movers, be sure to get estimates from multiple companies and ask about their experience with transferring businesses. You’ll also want to make sure they are licensed and insured. Once you’ve found a few reliable companies, be sure to get everything in writing before signing any contracts. This way, you’ll have a clear understanding of the services they’ll be providing and what you can expect.

With a little planning and research, hiring movers to transfer your LLC to another state can be a relatively easy process. Just be sure to do your homework and understand the requirements of both states before getting started. Also, ensure that the long-distance moving company offers commercial moving and not only residential moving.

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How Long Does It Typically Take To Complete the Transfer

The LLC transfer process generally takes around two weeks. This includes the time it takes to file the necessary paperwork with the state and pay any associated fees. Once the transfer is complete, you’ll need to update your LLC’s registered agent information and notify your current state of the change. Finally, you’ll want to confirm that all required documents have been filed with the new state.

With a little planning for the move, good preparation, and a thorough checklist for relocating, making the transfer can be a relatively smooth process. Just be sure to give yourself enough time to complete all the necessary steps and paperwork, and avoid doing everything last minute.

Hiring a professional can help ensure that the transfer goes smoothly and that all of the necessary paperwork is completed correctly. If you try to do the transfer yourself, you may run into problems that could delay the process or even prevent your LLC from being able to do business in the new state. So, organizing your move is easier when you google the best “long-distance movers near me.”

Transferring of LLCs takes about two weeks from start to finish

What Are the Benefits of Doing So

An entrepreneur may find redomiciling useful when their firm expands and changes for a number of reasons:

  • The targeted market has changed, and in another state, there are bigger chances.
  • The cost of real estate has increased in the state where the business is domiciled and has a big impact on profitability.
  • The state of domicile has increased or added business taxes and levies.
  • The industry is subject to greater regulations in the state where it has its domicile.
  • It’s possible that other states have passed tax incentives that might help the company.
  • Redomiciling will better support the business owner’s family life (such as access to better education for the kids, closer to various job opportunities for their spouse, or nearer to their elderly parents).
  • Another state will give you access to a larger or more varied labor force.
Two people with a map
There are many benefits to relocating your business to another part of the country

What Are the Potential Risks Associated With This Process?

One of the potential risks and downsides to transferring your LLC to another state is that you may be subject to different taxes in the new state. Additionally, you may also be subject to different regulations, which could impact the way you operate your business. There may also be fees associated with the transfer. It is important to weigh all of these factors before making the final decision.

Don’t Act Hastily

If a company dissolves in its home state prior to the new state having formally approved the domestication application, the results could be disastrous. You might not have an operating, legal company entity if the new state denies the request.

Be Mindful That Not Every State Permits Redomestication

While businesses can relocate to any state, only a number of states will let them domesticate. States that do not recognize domestication often require you to disband your company in your present home state and register your new company there. That process, as you might expect, becomes more difficult (and typically more expensive) than submitting domestication documents.

You Might Need to Search for a New Bank

You might need to close your current account and reopen a business account with a financial institution in the new domicile state. This is applicable if you use a bank that is not nationally chartered. Otherwise, you may skip this step.

Don’t Skip Notifying the IRS

There are several organizations and institutions that should be notified of your relocation, so Inform the IRS if your company’s location changes. With the right address on file for your company’s EIN (Employer Identification Number) and other tax ID numbers, the organization can amend its records. For instance – your Social Security number.

With the Right Help, Relocation to Another State Will Go Smoothly

While LLCs are technically allowed to operate in multiple states, it’s not always a simple process. Figuring out how to transfer your company assets and ensuring that everything is done legally can be complicated – especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. This is where professional movers come in.

With the help of an experienced moving company, you can make sure that your enterprise is transferred quickly and efficiently without any trouble. So if you’re planning on relocating your business to another state, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance. The right team of movers will make all the difference and will offer you auto transport service and swift packing services to make the whole process effortless.

Kate Holland

A true grunge and rock music fan born in Seattle, Kate has moved across the country and started writing about her experience.



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