The entire moving process can be a complicated effort, and once you’re finished, you’ll want to have a rest. But remember that unpacking after a move is just as important as the other parts of the relocation since you’ll want to get on with your new life as soon as possible. If you postpone it now, who knows when you’ll find the time to do it, and it can take a long time if you’re not ready and prepared. So here are some tips to make the whole process a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Before you even touch any of your moving boxes, you should remember that organization is key when it comes to any step of the relocation process. This also includes sorting out all of your boxes and your belongings. So consider the following tips before you get started and write down a simple shortlist of all the tasks you have to complete. You can always look back at the steps on your shortlist if you’re wondering what to do next.
It may seem counterproductive, but there’s no better time to get your new home cleaned up than when the home is empty and everything’s unplugged. You can get started with your boxes as soon as you’re finished, and you won’t have to worry about the cleanliness of your new home for a long time after.
One of the most common tips you will come across when it comes to unpacking after a move is to sort your belongings room by room. This is the first step when it comes to organizing the move and how you will unpack all of your things. Depending on if you’re relocating on your own or have paid for professional moving services, you can tell the movers where to leave the boxes after they are unloaded.
One of the most useful things you’ll have during the relocation is your home inventory list. If you haven’t created one already – perhaps you have to organize your move in less than a week – then you should make one as soon as possible. There are many ways to create the ultimate moving inventory and you can make it as simple or complicated as you want. You can use it now to place your packing boxes in their designated rooms before you move on with your work.
Another thing you should sort out before both the unpacking and the packing process is an essentials box. This is where you’ll store all of the belongings you’ll need in the very first hours or even days in your new home. From a change of clothes, medicine, toiletries, some food items, to all of your personal belongings, like documents and extra keys.
Now that you have organized the whole process and placed your boxes in the rooms they belong to, let’s go over how you should unpack everything. The most popular and efficient way to go about it would be to start with the new kitchen, then go through the bathroom and unbox your toiletries. Then you will want to do the bedroom, as it can be the most time-consuming step of the job. You can then do the living room and plug in all of your electronics.
The aforementioned essentials box shouldn’t be loaded onto the truck – it should travel with you. Make sure you cover all the essentials that people usually forget to prepare. These will be the hub from which you can get on with the rest of the process. If you or your kids, in case you are moving with a big family, are hungry during the move, the essentials box will be your savior. If for some reason, the relocation truck is late, you will still have some essentials to get you through the first day or two.
You can unpack all of your kitchen items first and sort them out in cupboards. Get your major appliances and small appliances plugged in, especially the fridge if you have any food you’re worried about. If you have the time, sort out all of the utensils and kitchen items, but if you don’t have the time, focus only on the most important ones.
Don’t just go about your job randomly as you see fit at the moment. Leave the new garage and anything outdoors-related for last. Remember that you can use your to-do moving list or the unpacking shortlist if you’re losing track of your current task. Your tools, lawnmower, barbecue, and other supplies which you store in the garage can wait.
It doesn’t matter if you’re moving from a house to an apartment or vice versa, the largest furniture pieces should be your number one priority when you unpack. You should still try and follow your room-by-room guide, but remember to unpack from the largest to the smallest belongings. Maybe you will have a lot of reassembling to do if you have lots of bulky furniture with you. Make sure to focus on setting up the beds, tables, couches, dressers, and other larger furniture before you unpack the smaller items. In case you have hired professionals for their packing services, ask around if unpacking the items is an option as well.
Once you’re finished with the unpacking, don’t forget to take good care of your boxes and packing material. Maybe you will make use of them in the future, or you will be helping a friend or a family member with their packing process. If you don’t have the space for them, perhaps if you’re moving to a small house, you can always donate them or place them in a storage unit.