Category: Plan the Move

December 20, 2019 Hannah Michaelson

Moving for a Relationship: Things to Know

More and more people nowadays have been nurturing a long-distance romance with their significant other. In fact, 75% of all engaged couples in the US state that, at some point, their relationship has been a long-distance one. If you are considering taking a more serious step and moving for a relationship to give it a better chance to grow, here are some important things you need to be aware of before you make such a radical step.

December 2, 2019 Blake Shaw

Moving in Winter – Best Tips for an Amazing Experience

Even though it may seem that moving in winter is a real nightmare because of the snow and cold weather, it doesn’t have to be. You would probably rather prefer staying inside cuddled up under the covers with a good movie. However, if you have to carry out the relocation process in December or January, you might discover that a transition in this time of the year is not as tough as you thought so

November 25, 2019 Hannah Michaelson

Checklist of Moving Essentials You’ll Need to Pack

When it comes to relocation, people usually become quite overwhelmed by all the tasks that lie ahead. You, too, probably have so much on your plate already. There are so many questions bothering you, such as What supplies do I need for moving? What essentials do you need for a new apartment? You can’t seem to relax just thinking about all the steps you should take. In all that relocation turmoil, it’s easy to overlook some moving essentials, which, in turn, can only cause even greater chaos.

November 8, 2019 Blake Shaw

When to Start Packing for a Move?

Moving home is a big project that can take you weeks, and even months to finish. So, do you know when to start packing for a move? The answer is, as soon as you know you are relocating. It is not just the packing itself – that comes in the end – it is the whole process and preparations that will take you a lot of time. If you prepare well enough, the actual packaging will be a breeze.

November 4, 2019 Madison Rogers

Moving in the Summer – Tips to Overcome the Heat

It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, a businessman, or relocating with your family, moving in the summer will probably be the most convenient option for you. This period is almost always the busiest time for many moving companies. But even though changing homes during the summer months is convenient, it can also be dangerous because of the hot weather. However, there are some tips for moving in the summer heat and turning this journey into an enjoyable effort for everyone involved.

October 28, 2019 Hannah Michaelson

How to Do a USDOT Number Check and Why It is Important

Move into a new home happy, fulfilled, and satisfied. With the right moving company, this is possible. The first step in executing a successful relocation should be to do a USDOT number check to be sure about your mover’s reliability. Taking this factor into account, along with other indicators, will guarantee you high-quality moving services and lead to a safe and painless relocation experience.

October 28, 2019 Anastasia Hill

Moving Across Country Checklist

Perhaps you already have a complete plan and organization in your head for your upcoming long-distance relocation. However, a thorough moving across country checklist will help you remember everything. Those bulky and large items are usually not a problem – you cannot forget to pack your stove or clothes on the hanger. But what about small things? That’s why we have prepared this guide to be your reminder for all the crucial things.

September 18, 2019 Blake Shaw

How Can I Ship My Belongings to Another State?

Are you considering relocating to another state? Or maybe you need your items shipped away? Have in mind that transporting your things can be as time-consuming as the move itself. And it takes proper planning and dedication. So, if you are asking yourself how can I ship my belongings to another state and what is the cheapest way to do it, we have the answer for you. 

August 26, 2019 Madison Rogers

First Apartment Tips – Get Ready Before Your Move

So you decided to move into your own home for the first time. An exciting chapter of your life is about to be opened. As thrilling as this sounds, there are some first apartment tips you should have in mind.

June 3, 2019 Daisy Wilson

The Ultimate Plan for Things to Do Before Moving – Have Fun While You Prepare

There are so many things to do before moving that you are likely to feel quite overwhelmed. It is a common opinion that relocation has to be stressful. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. When you get ready for it, even a long-distance move can be a breeze. Proper organization and careful planning keep the stress and pressure at bay, and that’s when you can actually focus on all the good sides of changing your living environment.

Trico Long Distance Transportation, LLC is a BBB Accredited Moving andor Storage Company in Los Angeles, CA
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