
August 24, 2021 Daisy Wilson

How to Clean an Apartment Before Moving In?

Washing and sanitation of living space are probably among the most hated tasks around. Still, they’re necessary steps after long-distance moving. Knowing how to clean an apartment before moving in will make your adjustment a lot smoother and safer. No matter how spotless the home looks, you never know what hides beneath those carpets or who lived there before you. Avoid nightmares with bed bugs and other pests, and do deep sanitation of your home.

August 18, 2021 Daisy Wilson

Are Movers Essential Workers – What We Have Learned During the Covid Pandemic

Around 22% of Americans moved because of the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic. And many of those people had to relocate because of the lockdown. So are movers essential workers? In this article, we will talk about how movers contribute to the functioning of people’s lives and why they are important for the economy.

August 17, 2021 Gemma Collins

How To Move to a New City – 6 Tips That Will Make Your Relocation Easy

It’s never easy to just uproot your existing life and move to another place. However, you’ll be happy to hear the majority of people who move never regret their decision, and we’re sure you won’t either. Just follow our six tips on how to move to a new city, and it’ll go even better than you plan it.

August 16, 2021 Kate Holland

What Moving to a Big City Means in One’s Life

You’ve decided to move, and not just anywhere. You are moving to a big city for the first time in your life. You can feel the excitement of the unknown ahead, but what does life in a metropolis look like firsthand? Get prepared for the shift in your lifestyle by learning a few things first.

August 16, 2021 Hannah Michaelson

How to Save Money to Move Like a Pro

How to save money to move is a question you can’t do without when planning a long-distance journey. Sure, you can also try sticking to your initial budget, but in that case, we hope you’re not going far from your room. Believe us, there are good feelings to be found in gaining control over your finances and reaching the loftiest goal you’ve ever set.

August 13, 2021 Blake Shaw

How to Negotiate House Price – Best Real Estate Agent’s Tips

Most of us dream of being homeowners. But this significant achievement doesn’t come easy. Before you embark on a hunt for your perfect white picket fence, you should learn how to negotiate a house price down or how to sell like an experienced dealer.

August 2, 2021 Gemma Collins

How to Check if a Moving Company Is Legitimate

It’s always difficult when we get scammed, but it’s even harder to trust someone again. When it comes to relocation, we know many cases when people got badly scammed by long-distance movers. Fortunately, there are ways on how to check if a moving company is legitimate, and the key is diligence and research.

July 30, 2021 Jane Davis

What to Get Rid of When Moving – Items You Shouldn’t Move to the New Home

What to get rid of when moving is certainly not an easy question to answer. However, dealing with it will lead you to the bright side of the move – you’ll learn to clean up your home and pack it in fewer boxes than you ever thought possible. And trust our word; this is only one of many benefits of decluttering.

July 26, 2021 Michael Vaughan

How to Prepare for Movers – Things Every Professional Mover Would Like You to Know (and Do)

If you have ever gone through a relocation adventure, you certainly have at least a slight idea of how to prepare for movers adequately and why it is important. Although hiring a full-service relocation company means having experts taking charge of everything, there are still quite a few tasks you will need to arrange beforehand to ensure everything runs smoothly. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if challenges you haven’t planned for start popping up down the road.

July 23, 2021 Gemma Collins

How to Overcome Adjustment Insomnia?

You may have heard of adjustment insomnia before, or this may be the first time you see the phrase. Having sleepless nights happens to all of us sometimes, but around 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, while a whole 10% of US citizens suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. If you doubt this health issue affects you, here you can read about potential causes, symptoms, and treatment for more information.

Trico Long Distance Transportation, LLC is a BBB Accredited Moving andor Storage Company in Los Angeles, CA
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