Are you getting ready for your upcoming relocation? This is when people usually realize just how many unnecessary items they keep for no good reason. If you’re among them, you’re probably wondering how to have a successful garage sale. For starters, this is an excellent idea. Not only is it a good chance to get rid of all those things that you do not want to take with you, but you can also make some money out of it. And when moving, you can always use some extra cash.
Now that you’ve thought of this wonderful idea, it still remains to decide how to organize this event, how much you should charge for your items, and so on. The good news is that you can find some useful tips here that will help you answer any question that might be troubling you. You’re probably wondering What sells at a garage sale? What is the best time for it? and How profitable is a yard sale? Let’s begin to address all your concerns and doubts.
If you want to sell as many items as possible, it will be a good idea to invest a certain amount in some form of advertisement. That way, even those from the surrounding area can plan in advance to come by and check out what you have to offer.
Nowadays, most opt for an online solution for anything they need. With that in mind, you might want to post an ad on some website and let others know when your garage sale will be held and what people can buy there. Some of the websites you might want to consider include Craigslist or Yard Hopper.
Another good way of advertising is through your local newspaper or even a major daily newspaper in the area. Don’t forget that every home in the neighborhood will get a free copy of the newspaper, which increases the number of potential customers.
You can attract your neighbors’ attention by putting a yard sign so they can see it while driving or walking by. There is no doubt it will spark their interest to at least stop by and perhaps decide to buy something, too.
To be sure everything goes the way you want it, careful organization is key. A garage sale is no exception. Take some time to plan every step to the smallest detail and we’re sure the entire thing will be perfect.
The right timing can help you a lot, so be sure you choose the right moment and ensure success. For instance, you’ll have a higher chance of success if you organize such an event during the weekend, as more people will be able to stop by.
Before you start planning anything, check whether you’re allowed to organize a garage sale in the first place. If you’re not permitted to organize something like this, you run the risk of getting a fine, and we’re sure you don’t want that.
Once you’re sure there’s nothing stopping you, it’s time to actually gather all the things that you’re planning to sell. This is an excellent opportunity to declutter and put aside anything that you haven’t used for some time now because the chances are that you’re not going to need it once you move, either. So, pick a couple of boxes and get down to work.
The next step is to divide your things into categories. Sort them so that you can keep track of everything, as well as to make it easier for potential customers to find what they’re looking for.
One of the best ways to attract one’s attention is to give them an offer that they can’t resist. For example, bundle similar stuff such as CDs for instance and offer 5 of these for 4$. Everyone likes to feel that they’ve saved a couple of bucks, or even just 1$. This little trick can bring you the success you expect.
Always remember that everything you put in the display should look good enough to get someone to actually consider buying it. For instance, if you have some clothes that you want to sell, wash it first and then use hangers to organize them. People will feel like they’re shopping in a store.
It might seem easier to just group the stuff and put a price tag on a box instead of particular items. However, keep in mind that these things are likely to get mixed up, and after a while, it might not be clear which item belongs to which box and how much it costs. To avoid this little problem, stick a price tag on each item individually. It will save you from much bigger trouble later.
To be sure everything goes according to plan, you’ll probably need some help. You shouldn’t hesitate to give your family members something to do so that you all cover different tasks. This way, you can rest assured that everything will go smoothly from start to finish.
Keep things easy and simple – accept only cash. This way, the payment will be straightforward, and you won’t have to worry about anything at the end of the day. The only thing for you to do will be to count how much money you’ve made and think of a great way to spend it afterward.
You shouldn’t slow the process just because you don’t have enough small bills for the change. Prepare these in advance so that your customers are not waiting in line for you to find that one-dollar bill.
Naturally, you’re in this because you want to earn a certain amount of money, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be flexible. You can’t give everything for free, of course, but be open to negotiate the price. To do that, set the initial price a bit higher so that there’s room for you to earn enough even after you lower it.
No matter how well you plan and organize everything, know that it might not be possible to sell absolutely everything. When that happens, you’ll need a backup plan for the items left. Whatever you do, do not take them back to your house.
Yes, selling the stuff you no longer need is an excellent way to earn some cash, but it’s not always all about the money. Give them for free. You can give away some of your things. Also, this will be an excellent solution for those unsold items. You’ll still get rid of them, plus, you’ll make someone else happy.
Talk to your neighbors to check if any of them might be planning to declutter and organize a garage sale themselves. If they’re up for it, you can team up and organize one together. This will certainly draw more customers, which, in turn, increases your chances of making more money out of it.
Naturally, you imagine selling your extra stuff as a friendly gathering with good purpose, both for you and the buyers. Nonetheless, it’s worth mentioning that you always need to be careful. Just remember that there will be many strangers in your yard, so be safe and don’t leave the doors to your house open with so many of them walking around.
Now you know what it takes to have a successful and stress-free garage sale when you decide to relocate. Use this excellent opportunity to declutter and earn some extra cash, and then you won’t find packing or storage troublesome.